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Clock in base 7, rather than base 12, so days of the week are unified in one clock face with only three hands.

Week Clock

Telling the time

the clock face has 7 ‘day’ divisions each sub-divided by 7 (indicated by inward pointing triangles).

image shows: Short hand tells you its Thursday evening, just past 1.5 long hand rotations to midnight, Long hand tells you, more precisely, that it’s slightly more than 1.25 long hand rotations to midnight.

conventionally this is written as;

Thu 19∶47∶41 (bases: 7 24:60:60)

but here, sensibly, as;

421431 (base 7)

The Hands

Conversions to base 12 (days/hours/minutes/seconds) clock:

Zero value

because a day is divided by an odd number, midnight and midday can’t both be with the long hand in the same place. here midday is chosen to be straight up, digitally represented by zero.(not midnight) and midnight occurs with the long hand straight down. thus morning/afternoon confusion isn’t an issue.